Know the code and enjoy your sandboarding adventure in Lima

As always bringing the best tools from snow sports, Know the code to have fun and learn to ride safely the best dunes of the world in Peru.


Here in Desert Expeditions we believe it is very important to inform you about all you need to know when you are sandboarding in Huacachina, Paracas, Huaral or other destination.  It doesn’t matter if you decide to go sand sled, or experiencing with proper equipment and learn to control the sandboard, your safety, fun and experience comes out first.

We are convinced that through education, helmet use, respect and common sense we can deliver a recreation and responsible sport culture. Definitely sandboarding is an action sport and has it´s risks but through the code that we are adapting from snow sports we will reduce and mitigate incidents and accidents that you can find commonly in Huacachina.


  1. START WITH YOU: Prior to going up a dune you must have the knowledge or ability to descend safely.

Tip: book responsible and formal tour operators to ensure quality of information and teaching.

  1. ALWAYS STAY IN CONTROL: Stay in control and be able to avoid other people or objects

Tip: Make sure your instructor teaches you to break and some basic stability on the sandboard.

  1. RIGHT OF WAY: People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.

Tip: Let everybody know where you are know you are dropping so nobody drops until they see you at the bottom of the dune

  1. DON’T OBSTRUCT A TRAIL: You must not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.

Tip: if you stop in a place where you are not visible from above, unbuckle and go to a place where you are visible.

  1. YIELD TO OTHERS: Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.

Tip:  learning sandboard takes some time, don’t desperate, be conscious about your safety and respect others.

  1. AVOID LOSING EQUIPMENT: Always use mechanisms to avoid losing belongings and objects in the desert or the dunes.

Tip: if you are carrying glasses or hats, make sure to thigh it up so it doesn’t fly away of the dune buggy.

  1. FOLLOW THE LOCAL RULES: Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep of closed trails, closed areas, and always ask for information.

Tip: We know you are craving for adventure but to be well informed and aware of the risks of the terrain and activity can make a big difference in your experience.





*based on the responsibility code of the National Ski Areas Association (United States) and adapted to the sandboard, sandski and sand sled in Peru.

More information about safety on the mountains at the National Ski Areas Association here: National Ski Areas Association

Know the code and be safe in your next sandy adventure, feel free to download this brochure and share it with your sand sports community