Free sandboarding school lessons in Aucallama, Huaral 2018

Lima SandSchool and Desert Expeditions open the first sandboarding and environmental education for free for local kids and youth in Aucallama

Desert Expeditions is committed to positioning Huaral as the sandboarding and adventure travel capital of Lima, which is why we educate the tourist with The responsibility code and avoid accidents or incidents in the deserts of Peru, now with our sandboarding  school we will continue our work to get everybody in Lima know what huaral is all about: Adventure travel, sandboarding, sand skiing  in an environment where everybody contributes  to the sustainable development.

The beauty of the desert is in the equilibrium between wildlife and outdoor recreation.

Our vision  is to generate positive changes in the destination where we operate through the involvement of it´s agents through sandboarding, the promotion of adventure travel in Aucallama and Huaral, we will involve 20 kids and youth that we are going to train to have them become future ambassadors of the district and it´s beautiful desert. On the other hand,  our team has a bast experience on ski resorts, skiing, snowboarding and has got the know how to progress the learning of snowsports and the importance of youth involved in outdoor and recreation activities. 


     2.  What are the benefits for the students?

The students would learn to slide and curve down a dune slope with the right technique in a safe and fun environment which ensures learning and the development social skills. they will also learn about coastal ecosystems like the lakes, rivers, valleys, lomas and deserts, they will be involved into activities to develop their communication  and leadership skills.

Victor Dito Chavez- El mayor representante del snowboard y el sandboard en el Perú.
Victor Dito Chavez the most representative snowboarder and sandboarder of all times will be invited to the school. Picture by Team Chapelco

3. How do we ensure the learning of the students?

To ensure learning of the students  we use a “sandboarding progression card” a simple doc that allows us evaluate the development and progression of the students. On the other hand we will have the presence of two renowned sandboarders in Peru to drop some clinics to our tiny riders.

Foto Armando Ramirez - foto por Pamela Celeste Herrera
Armando Ramirez, one of the best jump rider in Peru is going to be invited in the school. Picture by Pamela Celeste Herrera.

4.  What other activities would the school support?

We are going to be part of the biggest snow event in the world, the  World Snow Day ,  is celebrated worldwide with simultaneously in events the 21 of January 2018, and we are going to be part of it. Also at the end of the season we are going to hold a regional sandboard competition which is going to be called “Desert Expeditions Lima Open 2018” and we are going to give diplomes to every students that finishes the season.

Día Mundial de la nieve 2018, World snow day 2018, sandboarding gratuito en Lima y Huaral
World snow day in Huaral, Lima 2018, celebrating snowsports in the dunes

5. Where to register?

All the students must register in our office together with their parents or tutor, fill out a form and we will take it from there. We will receive applications until we reach the maximum of students.

Escuela de sandboarding y educación ambiental en Aucallama 2018
Escuela de sandboarding y educación ambiental en Aucallama 2018.

6. Get to know the responsible of the Ride School

Aldo Saavedra Romero, he is graduated from the career of tourism management from UNFV public school and has five years of experience in adventure travel and leading groups. He is certified by PSIA-AASI, the biggest snowsports association in the world and he teaches snowboard professionally. Has experience in rock climbing, rappelling and running and a valuable course of Wilderness First Aid  WFA . He loves sharing his passion about snowboarding and sandboarding with the new generations and give them the chance of outdoor recreation.

Huaral, capital del sandboard en lima por Desert Expeditions (4)
Aldo Saavedra ripping the grains of sand with his snowboard gear.

6. Contact

telephones: 965 336 636 / 987 522 850
Office: Plaza de Armas of Aucallama S/N, in front of the church of Aucallama, Huaral